Simply be informed …
Subscribe to reports with relevant information. This can be an aggregated daily report with key performance indicators on sales, order backlog, deviations from planned figuers or contribution margins as well as detailed reports with KPIs on individual orders, customers or products.
You decide which information you need on a daily basis. The preparation of the necessary data, including quality assurance, is managed by businessNavi. You focus exclusively on the interpretation and derivation of measures.
The daily report includes (here using the example of sales) relevant views of your company and displays them in an integrated way. Focus on day, current month, current year, sales, order backlog and profit margin – daily updated. Various views create a complete picture.
The daily report is just one of many predefined reports that you can use immediately.
Simply analyse …
Ask questions and solve them yourself.
Each module of the businessNavi comprises a data pool that can be used independently. This can be analyzed as desired.
Analyzing means: You create matrixes, diagrams and lists with different key figures or your own calculations and evaluate them according to different evaluation dimensions.
The results of your analyses can be saved as a report and thus made available to a wide range of recipients.
Simple planning …
The businessNavi integrates IBM Cognos TM1 as state-of-the-art planning software.
Distribute the planning tasks in the team – a workflow controls the distributed data input and creates transparency about the progress of individual subplans. Thus, work simultaneously on the data input and accelerate the planning process. The data structures and data from the businessNavi are automatically transferred to the planning application on a daily basis. Use various distribution functions for top-down planning and quick adjustments.
Compare different scenarios. The current status of planning is immediately available in reports and evaluations. Save time and effort consolidating and updating Excel files.
businessNavi – State of the Art Components
BusinessNavi ® integrates IBM products from the area of data analytics and a predefined data model into an integrated comprehensive solution for all matters in different functional areas. BusinessNavi is available in two different versions: basic and professional. You choose the scope that fits ideally into your data and IT strategy.
businessNavi – basic:
- Analysis and planning based on existing corporate data
- Use of state-of-the-art IBM software products to modernize applications in the areas of reporting, analysis and planning
businessNavi – professional:
- Establishment of an integrated database (data warehouse) and implementation of an automated data management system
- Introduction of analysis and planning tools, suitable to the provided data model
- Flexibly expandable so that all analytical questions can be answered

Data evaluation
- Integrated platform for reporting, analysis & dashboards
- Intuitive tools for working with data – basis for real self-service
- Integrated AI for forecasts/projections and for identifying insights from data

Data input
- Mapping of individual planning processes, flexibly expandable with automatic data supply
- Assistance with data entry (distribution functions, forecast algorithms, etc.) to accelerate planning processes

Data management
- Central data storage for all relevant company data
- Flexible data model (Data Vault) with precise rules and interfaces for expansion
- High performance even for complex queries on mass data

Data supply
- Professional tool for connecting different data sources
- Templates for efficient connection of additional systems and data sources
- Web-based programming with AI support
Project examples
“Available anywhere and anytime.”
Accelerate – all around consulting service
The management team brought its many years of experience gained in corporate groups and medium-sized companies in the specialist areas of finance/controlling and marketing/sales to the founding of Accelerate in 1999. Our wealth of experience is based on the fact that we have predominantly played a decisive role in the development and restructuring phases of companies.
The name of the company was chosen deliberately: achieving measurable results quickly was and is our concern. Every vision, every strategy thrives on successes achieved step by step. In our projects we thus create benefits for our customers.
Customer, value and realization orientation are the benchmarks of our work.
Over the years, information technology has become increasingly important for the realization of concepts for the controlling of companies. This led to the foundation of Accelerate IT Consulting in Berlin in 2005. Here the IT-technical competences in the realization and support of applications are bundled. The technological development towards web-based solutions finally led to the addition of a further service offering: Hosting of company software and BI solutions.
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